tisdag 16 december 2014

Diverse scenkaraktärer summerar 2014 - Marc (Warrior Kids)

Paco avrundar 2014 med att låta scenkaraktärer från Sverige och utlandet enligt ett standardiserat formulär och ur ett subkulturellt perspektiv utvärdera 2014. De "intervjuer" som är gjorda med icke svenskspråkiga har jag låtit bli att översätta, såväl för att spara tid som för att inte omedvetet färga svaren.

Marc är den eminente sångaren i det legendariska Marseille-bandet Warrior Kids, som jag kallt räknar med att alla känner till och är inlyssnade på sedan länge. De är hur som helst produktiva som fan och har lirat i Sverige (Stockholm) två gånger. Hoppas 2015 kan erbjuda ytterligare ett framträdande med trion på solid hemmaplan.

Music Release of the year: Oh I’m not so interested by new records, I have all the records I need to hear and much more, but I was interested by the last Rancid album, all the songs are really good, the sound is not so professional, I think they were interested by a return to the roots.  Another record from my german friend Alen that play in Komplikations, it’s an industrial punk band, synthetizer drum and Alen that sing like a cockney guy, good band, they play in Marseille my town next thursday

Best gig of the year: All the Warrior Kids gigs ahahah, haven’t see so many bands, Marseille my town is a “ville morte” (dead city)

Biggest disappointment of the year/worst release: No disappointment, oh yes, Morrissey gig in Lyon, we have done 350 kilometers and at the last moment the gig was cancelled, it really sucks, no respect about the audience. For my band Warrior Kids, someone has cancelled a gig in germany at the last moment, to do a mini tout with a gig cancelled is not something good when you have done so many kilometres, it was sad, bad and not honest with a bad excuse

Some other thoughts on the scene of 2014? Did something special, bad, sad or spectacular happen?
Every gig has some positive things, to meet different people with different culture is the best, have some friends in all the world is a good thing, it allows me to improve myself and to try to be a better person

What's your plans for 2015: To play more and to record new songs again and again and to play another time in SWEDEN ahahaha

Addition: Thanks for this year! Thanks for your questions. Hello to all my Swedish friends, hope to see you soon

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