Tuomas är en ytterst angenäm herre från nånstans i Finland där han hänger runt och spelar (sjunger) punk; primärt i toppenbandet Nuoret Sankarit.
Music Release of the year: For whatever reason I didn't buy much record that were released this year. Maybe it's part of getting older and lazier but there's couple I liked: Maailmanloppu: Täältä Tulee Sota 12" One of the best current hardcore/punkbands at the moment and this is their lates release. 4 songs with postpunkinfluences. Jukka & Jytämimmit: Jytää Vaan lp. Jukka Nousiainen became famous with his rockband Räjäyttäjät. I never really liked them that much, but his solo-stuff is good! This is his first album with Jytämimmit and it have a huge early 70's rock influneces. Ei Mun Aikani Ole Vielä is a killersong! Too bad the band broke and I didn't saw them playing. Partly my own fault. Sabotage: Faderskap I Gråzonen I really liked their first 7", especially song Bättre Utsikt. Sabotage have their own fresh sound with hooky melodies. I'm really looking forward what comes next. Cosmic Psychos: Cut the Raw Prawn In couple of latest years I haven't been excited about any band that much that I've been with Cosmic Psychos (well, maybe Chrome too). Some may call their songs stupid, I call 'em genious. Maybe not as good as their previous album, but this is decent record with good songs. And no other band sounds like Cosmic Psychos anyway.
Best gig of the year: Radio Birdman @ Stockholm 26.6.2015 Being a huge fan of Radio Birdman a couple of years now. Their album Radio appears one of the best rockalbums ever done. They are not touring much and this was probaply the last chance to see them so of course I had to take it. I expected them to be good, but they were great. Even they were old they didn't seem like my uncles playing like many of old band does. Nothing wrong with that either, thought. Agent Bulldogg, Hoist, Nuoret Sankarit @ Dog's Home, Tampere 15.8.2015 Sharing stages and playing with awesome bands and spending time with awesome people. These kind of evenings always end up too soon. Murheenlaakso @ Vastavirta, Tampere 31.7.2015 Mana Mana is the best band ever from Finland and one of my all time favourites. Murheenlaakso is quite much the same band expect without original singer who commited suicide in the early 90's. This was announced to be their last gig ever and they did with honour. Awesome band and awesome gig. Lynyrd Skynyrd, Melrose @ Jäähalli, Helsinki 5.5.2015 Big concerts aren't usually my cup of tea, but Skynyrd are awesome band. Of course they are not the same band that they were before plane-accident but they have great songs and that what matters most. I got what I expected: great songs played well. I knew Melrose is a good rockband but I haven't seen them for 12 years. They were great! Rocking hard with good songs! I highly recommend to check em out.
Biggest disappointment of the year/worst release: Conflict @ Klubi, Tampere 10.1.2015 I was quite excited to having finally change to Conflict. Sounds were quite horrible but worst problem was that the band couldn't keep it together. After trying to get something out of this mess I realized it was only waste of time.
Some other thoughts on the scene of 2015? Did something special, bad, sad or spectacular happen? There's been enough good gigs in Finland with different style for couple of years now, and I'm quite sure it keeps going. Bands are putting out more records I can even concencrate but that's my problem. Too bad I missed Negative Approach, but I already seen them couple of times, so no big deal after all. Seeing Radio Birdman was sepctauclar. Musta Paraati reunion worked out great, even I was a bit scepctial. Both gigs I saw were really good.
What's your plans for 2016? Maybe you mean next year because 2015 is coming to end? (Yes, in the questiones I... eh... mistyped...// Paco) We're working on new record with Nuoret Sankarit. We'll see if it turns out lp or ep or something in between. Play gigs whatever we got. I'm doing my zine Face Up To It but it seems I never get it done so I'm not gonna promise it's ready at next year. Hope this will help! Take care! Sorry if my english is too broken. Let me know if there's something too unreadable.
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