Carl Jahier är sångare i legendariska Chaos-bandet Komintern Sect som nu sen ett par år (åter) jobbar på världsherravälde. Ni som inte äger bandets tre klassiska 80-talssläpp i någon form får smäll på fingrarna.
Music Release of the year: Our greatest achievement this year is to have to play and having a lot of fun. We also made new songs we record right now and we hope to release a mini LP in the first quarter 2016. We are happy with the new songs because, in the opinion of those who heard them, we managed to make the connection and they still sound like Komintern Sect. I hope you will like them.
Best gig of the year: It's a bit difficult to say what was the best gig. We did beautiful experiences this year. We played with many bands, met friends. Our trip and our concerts with Lion's Law and Jenny Woo in Colombia are definitely the best experience of the year. But we also had a great time in Montreal with The Prowlers, and Barcelona with Bishops Green. The last concert we did in Munich was also a great time ...
Biggest disappointment of the year/worst release: I try but I honestly can not find anything. We have only had good experiences this year and I hope it will continue like that.
Some other thoughts on the scene of 2015? Did something special, bad, sad or spectacular happen? Overall, this year was a good year of meetings. I saw a lot of good gigs and listened to many great bands and I hope it's not over. I will be early December at Boqueho in Brittany to see lots of great bands and find many friends. The sad moments were seeing from a lot of guys who have been important passed away. This end of the year was particularly difficult with the loss of Fast Eddie Clarke, Tony Van Frater and Dickie from Angelic Upstarts. The terrorist attacks in Paris came to add more sadness. But, we will continue to make music, we will continue to go out to bars and party … I also want to take advantage of these few lines to wish a good and fast recovery for my friend Micky from The Business.
What's your plans for 2016? I hope 2016 will be a good year. First, we will release our new songs. We also have some beautiful gigs projects and hopefully many meetings. I myself have a beautiful project to make a tribute to Camera Silens which I hope will come out in the first half of this year. And, I also have in the back of my head the organization of a beautiful festival, in my city, Orleans ... I hope that we can and that I would come to realize all these fine projects. And then gigs, meetings, trips (I hope to come this year in Stockholm for PSK).
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