lördag 19 december 2015

Diverse scenkaraktärer summerar 2015 - Victor (Lion's Law, Rixe etc)

Paco avrundar 2015 med att låta scenkaraktärer från Sverige och utlandet enligt ett standardiserat formulär och ur ett subkulturellt perspektiv utvärdera 2015. De "intervjuer" som är gjorda med icke svenskspråkiga har jag låtit bli att översätta, såväl för att spara tid som för att inte omedvetet färga svaren.

Victor behöver väl ingen närmare presentation efter åren som frontfigur i band som Maraboots, Lion's Law, Atlantes och Rixe.
Music Release of the Year: Zone Infinie - Zone Infinie from Saint Etienne (France) & The last songs from Grade 2, they're really getting really good.

Best gig of the year: There's been a lot of gigs but the one i prefered playing in was the 35th anniversary show of La Souris Deglinguée at L'olympia in Paris. I sang for Swingo Porkies, first Paris Oi! band, it was such an honour, and playing in that band and in that venue gave me massive goosebump. The best show i attended to in 2015 was Arms Race in Leeds (UK), we were playing with them with Rixe and they were excellent. 

Biggest disappointment of the year/worst release: I was really a big fan of Eagulls from England and seeing them live last summer was my biggest disappointment... they sucked hard and i really don't like these guys attitude.

Some other thoughts on the scene 2015? Did something special, bad, sad or spectacular happen? 2015 was an amazing year for me, saw dozens of excellent bands, had the chance to play crazy fuckin' good shows all around the globe!!! Rest in peace 2015, you were good !

What's your plans for 2016? I'd really love to organize a new edition of Winter Oi! Fest next year in Paris! That's my main plan, but as a musician we already got lots of shows planned with both Lion's Law and Rixe, exciting tours and festivals. I'm also working on other projects that you'll soon hear about i hope.

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