Ricu är en galen italienare som glider omkring i Milano, är full samt frontar Brutti E Ignoranti och sköter etiketten Pull The Trigger.
Music Release of the Year: look, I have problems with dates, I have bad memory I really have hard times to understand which day is today, if it's monday or thusday...I don't know if they got out in 2014 or 2015 but Hard Evidence did a very good record, on the lenght of Bishops Green sound, band who came to play in Milan in front of 21 people (this to show you the state of things in Italy) and I have to say one of the best live bands ever in 2015, very clean sound, seemed to listen to the record...what a pity that they interrupted the gig towards the end because a brawl broke out! I just went on discogs and I discovered that Hard Evidence released their record in 2014 but I am not willing to delete what I just wrote and let's pretend we're all a year younger. From the direction they just suggested me Last Crusade which really got out in 2015, bingo!!
Best gig of the year: hahahaha, how the fuck can I know that, I never remember a fuck I am always drunk I have hard times in remembering things, I can tell you that we set many bands with our label Pull the Trigger, and there you see who plays for deditcaion and passion or who does it just to summon some money, not much to be true....they look like the ones who try to steal offer coins from the church. I have to praise Dragster, who came for a small tour in Italy and they are really great people. I can add I am lucky to live close to a big city like Milan because many international bands pass thru here, this means there are almost always gigs but I have to say that often I have more fun watching friends' bands which never got out of Milan. Playing often around we luckily have the chance to go gigging abroad and meet new realities and situations...I could tell you when in Czec Republic a two of us tried on the same girl, one first and then the other took her from him in a blink, so we went out before the two started to fight, but on the way back we met the unlucky girl who got insulted I guess in the worst way in her life and they trew on her a full garbage bag. Or when we were for two days in Germany and on the second day we wanted to smoke a joint so we looked for weed from 1 to 7 pm but none and I say none gave us, if I had a son I would send him to live in Germany so I would be sure he would be safe from drugs...anyway after this tiring research we folded up on another green drug which is legal and is named pfeffi.....well I could tell you millions of stories like that but then you would think we are not nice people so better keep my mouth shut.
Biggest disappointment of the year/worst release: This question is way too nasty..who the fuck am I to say which is the worst record of the year? If one put much work in a record has to be appreciated, you may like it or not but it has to be appreciated, I can say I am sorry that new Stealers album won't be ready this year but next one, guys are really great and I don't understand why none cares about them, they are a bomb both on cd and on stage but they still haven't broken thru...people must start looking for new music instead of keep getting stuck to the same old four historical bands which have broken my balls in my opinion!
Some other thoughts on the scene 2015? Did something special, bad, sad or spectacular happen? Well I see that lots of people are diying which is normal because people die sooner or later and I would add luckily. What saddens me is that none ever came back to speak to me in dream to give me sweepstake winning numbers so that I could win money, fuck we are in deep shit, I need money to drink and waste myself and go to gigs so I appeal to all my dead friends please give me the winning numbers , I always try to get in touch with you by reaching mental alteration states behalf alcool but you never tell me anything.....I swear the day I die I'll make you all multimillionairs but at the same time I will fill you with jokes! The good thing I see is that maybe something is awakening in Europe by the point of view of productions, especially in vinyl, that's a black eye for mp3s and digital platforms which became really a pain in the ass lately. You have to buy music, go to bed with records and stick your small dick into record hole, because the coldness of a song dowloaded from the net will never be like the gusto you have while you listen to your record and read the booklet in your hands, it's like wanking and fucking, then if you prefer wanking that's your personal taste so keep dowloading tunes.
What's your plans for 2016? fuck I don't even know if I am alive tomorrow or not and you ask me about next year?? I don't know, drinking as usual and finding the money to do it without doing shitty jobs if possible...by pont of view of music we have many things in stock either as production with our new label called 2 life sentences (if there is a band looking for a label they can contact us) or as next events.. we already set a mini we already set a mini tour for 7er Jungs in feb, in march we set your swedish friends Avgå!, in april we are trying to organize for Stealers and in July we are trying to make a big festival in Milan...we will see what happens, stay tuned....
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