Sedge spelade/spelar trummor i kultbandet Indecent Exposure, samt i nystartade men veterandrivna Jack The Lad, som nyligen utkommit med sin debutsjua. Han är kortfattad men kärnfull.
Music Release of the year: I think No Quarters' album and the Jack The Lad single.
Best gig of the year: Index at blackpool. Like going back in a time warp to the 80's
Biggest disappointment of the year/worst release: The amount of time it took to get the JTL single released
Some other thoughts on the scene of 2015? Did something special, bad, sad or spectacular happen? Fed up of all the bands still having to deal with Internet warriors and having gigs cancelled and shit thrown at them
What's your plans for 2016? Hoping to get some old bands playing together something special. Releasing Jack the lad Album we hope
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