Andy Wears är grundare av och sångare/basist i fantastiska Darlington-bandet Last Rough Cause, samt spelar sedan en jävla massa år sedan även i Major Accident.
Music Release of the year: I Think I would have to say Last Stand by Gimp Fist or the Gimp Fist box set of albums which was amazing. Good to hear that Gimp Fit is back together too. I would also rate From Without by Ferocious Dog as my album of the year as they are a great band.
Best gig of the year: Not really been to many gigs this year but again I would say Ferocious Dog as they really know how to rock!
Biggest disappointment of the year/worst release: No disappointments for me for this year, I like everything that I have been bought or given.
Some other thoughts on the scene of 2015? Did something special, bad, sad or spectacular happen? 2015 has been a lazy year for me, I haven't been to many gigs and I haven't played many either so nothing spectacular nor dissapointing has happened really.
What's your plans for 2016? As a musician I have pretty much packed in playing now but I do have Rebellion with Major Accident next year and I'm doing a little bit of bass playing for The Skapones when their bass player can't play too. I would also like to go to more gigs in the future next year.
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